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Dark chocolate shell with a sweet white chocolate ganache infused with fresh mint.

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Some flavors may contain nuts, gluten, or alcohol. Please note that all of our products are made with the same kitchen equipment and cross contamination may be possible despite our efforts to avoid it.

Find allergen and ingredient information listed below. 


Flavor Information


Dairy Free:

  • Raspberry

  • Grand Marnier


Contains Nuts:

  • Peanut Butter

  • Pistachio


Contains Gluten:

  • Strawberry Cheesecake

  • Cupcake

  • Red Velvet

  • Creme Brulee

  • Key Lime

  • S’more


Contains Alcohol:

  • Champagne

  • Mimosa

  • Banana

  • Margarita

  • Mojito

  • Amaretto

  • Espresso

  • Coffee

  • Chambord

  • Grand Marnier

  • Pina Colada